Our volunteer coordinator, Tricia was asked by Impact Funding Partners to be part of an online conference attended by the Cabinet Minister for the 3rd Sector and Communities, Aileen Campbell. A link to the video produced for this event can be found here. It highlights the outstanding achievements and part played by the volunteers to assist the Charity to change its operational model to a complete home delivery service last March 2020
As 2020 came to an end, we launched our Community at Christmas Appeal, and we would like to thank everyone who contributed by donating funds, food, essential items, or by safely fundraising with family and friends.
Important update: Thank you to everyone who has donated food in the run up to Christmas - we really do appreciate it and welcome further donations to enable us to keep up with demand. However, in line with the Government’s current advice, we would be grateful if you do not visit our warehouse at this time and instead use one of our many Donation Stations to safely deposit your items - Full list here. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support!
My name is Jamie Wastling, and I am 21 years old and currently studying medicine. On Monday 19th October I had the opportunity to talk to Professor Jason Leitch and several other young volunteers during a “virtual coffee-break” on the topic of young people volunteering in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
We are on the look out for our next Treasurer to join our board - please take a look at the vacancy and share with any of your connections who may be interested - https://vacancies.brucetaitass...
Traditionally this would be the time of year we visit schools, churches and community groups across the Stirling area to talk about how you can support Start Up Stirling during Harvest Festival.