Profile on an outstanding achievement of one of our younger volunteers Louis Bishop
It is always a pleasure to witness the progress of our younger volunteers in their attainment of various volunteering awards and we profile below Louis who has recently received the Boys’ Brigade Queen’s Badge. Louis is part of the 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boy’s Brigade and you may recall that he has featured in previous newsletters following the attainment of his Silver Duke of Edinburgh award.
The Queen’s Badge is the highest award bestowed upon Boys Brigade and is only given to those who can demonstrate they truly deserve the honour. To qualify they are expected to complete the following range of activities while demonstrating an 'above and beyond' attitude. To provide an indication of what is required before this award can be considered, Louis has provided an outline of all the activities he had to undertake as detailed below:
- Complete a skills based leadership training course- Louis delivered badminton coaching
- Complete an expedition – Louis did a 3 days and 2 nights hiking/camping in the Trossachs
- Complete a skill over at least 6mths – Louis improved his drum skills by preparing for grade 5 exam
- Complete a physical activity over at least 3mths – Louis started running using coach to 5k app
- Complete at least 30 hrs of service/volunteering in the BB company or local church – Louis played drums in church worship band
- Complete at least 30 hrs of volunteering in the community – Louis volunteered at his chosen Charity Start up Stirling
Louis was required to keep accurate records and evidence of all of the above, writing up personal reflective reports for each category, and submit it all to be approved as worthy of the Queen's Badge.
Many congratulations to Louis - this is a huge achievement and very well deserved and we thank him for the over 200 hours of volunteering he has done with Start Up since joining the Charity in October 2018.