Volunteer Week Drivers
This week is National Volunteers Week. To celebrate that, we are giving shout outs to our superhero volunteers. Today we interviewed Geoff, one of our lovely drivers who delivers our rural food deliveries:
Tell us who you are, where your from, and how long you have volunteered with us? - I’m Geoff, I’m from Dunblane and I have been volunteering for Start Up Stirling for 18 months
What is your favourite part about volunteering with Start Up Stirling? - My favourite part is getting to drive around the local countryside and i enjoy spending time with my fantastic colleagues
Why did you decide to volunteer with Start Up Stirling? - I saw it advertised and i knew someone who worked here already and i thought it would be a good opportunity
Would you recommend volunteering and if so, why? - I would definitely recommend it because you meet some great people and do some really good work
If you could describe volunteering in 3 words at Start Up Stirling, what would they be? - Worthwhile, valuable and good fun
Is there an interesting fact you have learned since you started volunteering at Start Up that you didn't know before? What is it? - Just the volume of work that Start Up Stirling do and the variety of work they do